Now bring to mind the idea that this day, in all its complexity, et cetera, was designed and constructed - in all its apparently humdrum detail as well as its complexity - just for you. Every moment of this day was laid out before you in accordance with your purpose. Or destiny. Or shall we use the expression 'life plan'? Take a moment to consider: life is not just a sweep of days and ages that we interpret and give meaning; life is one tiny moment - now - and all that we place around it.
Add a splash of free will - the spice to this recipe - and spread your arms, your wings, your soul's light in celebration of the freedom to experience. To feel; to be. Let this be the moment of your silence.
And in the after-moments of silence, let us choose to imagine, as an exercise in believing (or, if you prefer, as a temporary suspension of disbelief) that the maker(s) of this day are around us now, happy and smiling to have been discovered. They gave you this gift, and they have been with you as you have unwrapped it. How will you visualise them? Do they cluster around you?
What are they saying to you?