I shall take my new car to be checked over - again, professionally - and then I shall drive a thousand miles in it, and then I shall ask myself: what have you just done? It felt right, buying the little blue car that's now sitting out front waiting to be insured. But I have let that feeling be elbowed aside in my mind.
And buying it came at the end of a long go-with-the-flow sequence, including a long drive, that ... what ? If meditation is still water, how best, and how easily, to still the water? The asking of that question suggests, doesn't it, that you have something other than a meditation to address? Including a long drive through - this metaphor has been through the blender - turbulent water.
There are moments when (1) the mind tries to put the brakes on, and then (2) another part of the same mind objects to putting the brakes on, and then (3) it's an effort to, er, tune back into the music. Consciousness. That insistence on putting questions before answers. Pinning the infinite quality of an answer down to the finite qualities of a question.
As the saying goes, listen to the answers - listen to the music. I shall add the link to this later. Now I am off into town again, to what feels like an engagement with the future.