And put it up on this site somewhere, with a link to it from the 'Homework' box (scroll down this page; it's there on the right). Then, I suppose, wait until the 'deadline' of the next meeting is just a few days away, and do a 3. A mini-story in the stipulated 2,000-word chunks. We have some good guys now, and a - I'll tell you later.
Back to love, back to reality. Heavy rain last night, and this morning, the dripping aftermath. Everything beaded with drips: the washing line, the spatula I left out after the barbecue, the fence line. And the dripping trees above the ducks' enclosure.Everything is sound and pressure: a brief moment of bright sunshine, really, properly warm, then back to dripping trees and the weight of rain on the air.
Everything on yesterday's list: done. Today: carrying boxes, and a significant amount of cleaning and clearing. No doubt at some point today I shall find the bells. Sound.