Yesterday, the question "Why not now?" proved unanswerable except in evasive terms - the room isn't finished, there's still a lot of organising to do, I've got something else that also needs doing (and that offsets this task neatly, thereby getting neither done) - so I opened the Word file I had - getting organised - created and named but written nothing into, opened the completed notebook, and began transcribing.
These were the notes I'd made in London, and I'd made a fine obstacle out of them: no point in going further until I've got the notes transcribed, et cetera. No time to transcribe now, blah. London was last week. And maybe the best thing was that I didn't just transcribe. There were passages worth keeping, but others that were just marking time (overlong conversations because I didn't know what was coming next, for example). So I kept on departing from what was already on the notebook page, and going off in another direction.
Just as these entries are a Morning Pages exercise (Julia Cameron, The Artist's Way, do you mind if I don't insert a link?), so the Thursday's Child story is an exercise in making it up as I go along. Okay - in meeting a regular Thursday deadline, but that means getting along and doing - making it up - rather than thinking about doing it. So easy to get diverted into getting organiseed to do that rather than just - yes - doing it.