Hot sunshine. Open windows. And now hot sunshine and an open barn door. Tentative observation: bright sunshine is quieter at this time of the morning than any other class of weather. And just to confound that, the birdsong - one bird? Two? - starts up in earnest. Two small something-or-others (I must get to know these things) are arguing (?) out front, and there goes the cockerel. Now they're all at it. Maybe we're all more connected that I realised. Aha! The wood pigeon. So insistent. Revised tentative observation: silence can be noisy at this time of the morning.
Such stories at the Thursday Group. This is a six-session Group, meeting once a fortnight, but I want to know what happens next to the young woman in the hostel, for example, and the two self-contained written-for-magazines stories have been so neatly done. Either I get into signing up for more of these courses, or we exchange email addresses and follow each other's progress - or both. Pleasant thought, either way.