I'm with the people who consider washing up to be a meditation. Doesn't get the dishes done any quicker, and if you've got a tidy kitchen on the other side of your bridge, yeah, okay, I'll do the drying because you're quicker than I am. Told last week by a talkative friend that meditation is very difficult. Said friend has only really meditated - really managed to do it properly - twice in her life, she said, but each of those times, she came away feeling so refreshed, so very much better. I think we define our own lives, and attach labels and conditions that aren't always helpful.
One day, I shall teach a relaxation technique that involves filling a sink with warm, soapy water, immersing your hands, and rubbing one or more dishes, rhythmically, oh so rhythmically, with a sponge until they shine. In the gift shop, I shall sell squeezy bottles of liquid for relaxation, and a range of 'relaxation dishes'. My friend is happy to see meditation on the other side of the bridge. She seems relaxed, tranquil, cheerful, all the words that add up to: alive.