Celebrate happiness because it is yours; offer kindness because when you do, you are receiving kindness. One option for belief: there is enough time in eternity for every one of us to live every life that has ever been and will be. Or you might say: we are all here, crowding in; we are on each side of everything, in the eternal present. This is the truth of the duality and of the journey: we are many, and we travel to become one. With us to that destination we bring our experience, which is what we have found on the journey. All of that experience is our collected wealth.
You might say that the Creation is not complete until it has been experienced. You might even say that the condition of life embodies division, and by that means, enables union. You might reflect on three words that we could discard: judgement, understanding and forgiveness. If you are both judge and judged, how could you not grant yourself both forgiveness and the right to forgive?
Or you might say: the way to live is to live. With all of us, with all forgiveness, all understanding, you might say: I Am.