First day properly back after a month of absence and before that a Summer of haste. Seasons have a way of suddenly being there, complete, and it was chilly this morning, at just after six, sitting out on the bench, looking up at a crescent moon and a few stars and the first blue light, the sky more than usually empty, hollow, vacant, bottomless, lots of words for a cold, clear day. Sunrise just after seven, brightening the horizon endlessly before it finally came.
Sometimes, the way to start a day is to start writing; once you've got the first sentence, the rest of the day comes. Sometimes, the trick is to stack up small achievements, like logs, to think that you've done something before you've even started. I emailed a friend, tweeted, pulled out a cheque book because I do have two bills to pay, and I'm started. It's an organisational day, ha ha. Let's hope this impulse lasts.