Quick question. So much of the anguished commentary about climate change declares that "We" must do something about it.
All of us acting in agreement with each other? Like-minded people acting in agreement? Readers of commentary about climate change acting together?
The intended "We" is probably some abstract noun - society should do something about it, maybe - but we so much choose what to read in accordance with what we believe - confirmation bias, etc. - that I guess "We" are the commentary writers and readers.
In which case, the unintended meaning of the "something" we must do about it is: "We" must write and read about it.
We believe something must be done, and what we're actually doing is writing and reading about it.
If we act on our beliefs, then obviously what we mean when we say something must is done is - something must be written and read.
Which may explain why targets are not being met.
Unless ... the word "We" here is being used to mean "They", in the sense of governments, polluters, large companies; "They" must do something.
While we sit at home writing and reading.
Which may also explain why targets are not being met.
But at least it's not "Our" fault.