Not sure what triggered that rant, and maybe a certain kind of enlightenment requires its own specific kind of befuddlement to afflict us first. There are too many causes, and finding the cause, finding the explanation, is not the same, nor even remotely similar, to finding the solution. If indeed there is something so simple and finite as a solution. Gandhi said "Be the change,"* and beyond that, any solution to any problem is, to some degree, an act of placing it at arm's length. [*Try Googling "Be the change" and then try Googling "Be the change Gandhi". Top of my results list for the first was a conference organiser that looks interesting, but top for the second - here comes the zietgeist - was the question, did Gandhi really say it? Which misses the point in a very modern way.]
Fog, fog, and more fog. And a very particular, very present silence. The fog was in bits for a while yesterday afternoon, as though a cloud had broken on impact with the ground. It's very localised, I think, and perhaps something to do with the sea. I like the way the wind sometimes blows within the fog, rolling it along. An issue of the magazine went to bed last night, which means I have a backlog of urgent things to do combined with the sense that I've just finished work. Difficult combination.