Thinking, last night, about the proposition that we're all each other's teachers, in different ways. Those people in the end room, waiting. That blue angel and the great angel in here. Your five companions arriving and departing, you, me, her, him, them. All of what I, you, we, they say and do contained within the boundaries of this learning experience. It's that, really; not just the duality but the small always contained within the great - the one always expressing the other. It seems now that life is the study: to release another is not possible; all that is possible, or indeed desirable, is to give what is not mine to give but yours to find: the freedom to choose to be free.
To give is sometimes just to take on the role of midwife, right? And such a wind today. So much noise, so much movement. After this, nothing of what remains will be yesterday's air. We will be breathing the clean moment, no staleness, no past; just breathe in, open your eyes, and choose.