To celebrate the arrival in my inbox of <Steve Jobs's 7 Rules for Working the Media> (Google it, why don't you?), I offer this personal list of lists you can safely ignore.
1. Any list that isn't limited to 3, 7 or 10 items. 5 is sort of okay, but any other number is just silly.
2. Any list that tells you how to behave on social media. If you haven't got that by now, it's too late. The evidence is out there.
3. Any list of obscure foods that will make you fatter, thinner, healthier, more beautiful. Don't eat rubbish, do take exercise. That's it.
4. Any list that makes you feel bad about anything you do. You're human. Treat others the way you'd like them to treat you. Treat yourself with the same respect. That's it.
5. Any list that's all about "should" and never about "could". It's your life. Live it your way.
6. Any list with a celebrity name on it. They didn't succeed that way; they just want you to think they had a plan. It's always luck, talent and persistence. Three things.
7. Any list that doesn't make you smile.
8. You guessed it. This list.