Moving on, I wonder if this idea could be worked up into an audience-participation television event. Re-run a general election from the past, with as much of the original verbiage as possible, in real time over three weeks (?) and see what result we get today.
Make it a scorcher of an election - one of the Thatcher landslides, or the one that brought President Nixon to the White House (run it over longer than three weeks), or the one that brought - you know, that guy - to power in Germany.
Obviously, some genius would have to come up with a way of disguising the real event, but even if that failed, it could create some media coverage. But if the election could be "anonymised" somehow, I wonder whether we'd get the result that a previous generation did.
Or maybe just run the whole thing again, exactly as it was, like we're re-running the moon landing now. An actor to play Margaret Thatcher, an actor to play Michael Foot, and at the end of it, the audience votes.