Today's observation: the build-up of clutter on the desk is inversely proportional to the amount of work done in the day. This happened once before. I went away on the Hoffman Process in September 2002, came back full of self-awareness to find that, of the whole five feet by eleven feet of my work table, I'd used books, papers, clutter to restrict myself to about two feet by one foot - and parked a keyboard in the middle of that. It's happening again, paper that needs to be put somewhere, filled in, replied to, and above all, thrown away. The subtle passive aggression of paper; to be resisted.
Today: page-proof checking; online ordering of transcription equipment; writing more of the Thursday's Child story. And, above all - no, not filing - decluttering. I want to know what happens next in Katie's world. She's out there in the fields, surrounded by all my clutter. Word for today: clarity.