Let us celebrate Maya Stein. American woman, living in California somewhere. I know nothing about her, and yet, in another sense, I do know her. Maya sends out the '10-line Tuesday' poems, once a week via email, and yesterday, under the poem, I just happened to click on this lot: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjWYWQ2j0D8. Pasted in like that because I don't trust myself to transcribe it accurately. Try it. She's on YouTube. You can also go to - let's wait for the line return - www.thiseverymoment.posterous.com. Her blog. I know Maya publishes on paper as well, because I've looked her up on Amazon. She's not published in the UK - yet.
Meanwhile, back in my life, it's Thursday and there's a Thursday Group meeting tonight. Last but one of the set of six. I need another one. I'm getting ahead of myself - having taken two instalments of the required 2,000-words to meetings, I've now written five (so, 10,000 words). This whole thing of writing for a meeting gets past a lot of blocks - no time to worry about consistency, deal with that later; no time to edit as I go along, the end will put the beginning and the middle into perspective. I'm interested to know what happens next, and it's good to be able to think: that only happened because I sat down and wrote. So sit down and write.